Video Resources

مصادر الفيديو

Ready Rosie is an early education tool that helps families, schools and communities across the nation deepen and scale their family engagement efforts.

تعتبر منصة «ريدي روزي» أداة تعليم مبكر صممت لمساعدة العائلات والمدارس والمجتمعات على ترسيخ وزيادة جهودهم في مجال العمل الأسري.

Its tools leverage the power of video modeling, family workshops, professional development opportunities, and mobile technology to build powerful partnerships between families and educators resulting in Ready Families, Ready Educators, Ready Children.

Schools, communities and families work better together when families understand exactly how they can support their child.
That is why ReadyRosie Modeled Moment Videos were designed.
The videos take place in real environments such as houses, restaurants, grocery stores, and playgrounds, to demonstrate how to find learning moments in everyday activities.
ReadyRosie is an evidence-informed and research-based family engagement and early learning resource.

Little ones love repetition
Point at each word as you read it
Using one item to represent another
Babies benefit from lap time spent looking at books
Help your child recall details
Build your child’s language by playing the role of "sportscaster"
Lay a foundation for learning new words
Babies love interacting with you
Singing to your baby
Talk about the book - Prompt with questions
Preparing little hands to write
Practicing Math
Counting signs
انتهينا منه
اكتشف الكتاب
نتكلم عن الكتاب
رسم مفصل للوجه
أحب عائلتي
حرب الطرح
احكي لي
أشيري نحو كل كلمة تقرئينها
تعداد اللافتات العامة